Explore next level engagement in our shop with road ready and proven Leadership & Team Building books, activities &  ideas. 

Bestselling Books Available on Kindle or Paperback & Courses Too!

Tyler has published more than 25 books, from personal development texts to actionable journaling tools to university textbooks and of course Team Building.  Don't worry if you don't own a Kindle Device, you can download a free copy of Kindle Reader for any device.   

The Business that Cared - A Leader's Guide to Team Building and Engagement Using Multiple Intelligences

The Business that Cared About People - A Leader's Guide to Team Building and Engagement Using Multiple Intelligences This timely book is a story and tool kit that enables managers to better lead teams. The book contains Tyler's work on Multiple Intelligence Quotient and how to apply it in your work place to help inspire high performing teams. Further, there is a plethora (I like that word) of ice breakers, debriefs, energizers, and more. 

Virtually Engaged Team Building Activities -  A Manager's Guide to Increasing Remote Engagement  with over 101 Team Building Activities

For over three decades Tyler has been studying and working with virtual & hybrid teams.  (More like 40 years if you include the global acid rain project he was part of in 1987). This book includes a couple theoretical team building constructs he uses to help increase remote team peak performance as well as 101 different activities that you can easily implement with your remote team.  It is a quick read with lots of tools for your next virtual meet-up. 

Coffee Talk: Business Edition

The resounding success of "Coffee Talk" and "Coffee Talk 2"  is now answered with "Coffee Talk - Business Edition" The same intimate and interactive team-building game you have come to love with all new questions focused on the world of "work"! Same stellar impact you expect and a great team building activity for your next retreat!  This fun book is filled with great open ended questions that you can use to instigate great conversation and get-to-know-you learning outcomes for your team regardless of geographic location.   It's super fun.

Catchin' The Carrot: A Personal Strategic Plan

This personal planning workbook is for those who strive to achieve more in life. You will quickly and easily gain a better understanding of where you are, where you will be and how to get there. This personal planning book is based on the proven Strategic Planning Process used by many of the world’s most successful corporations. Why not see what it can do for you and your success?

Livin’ Life Large™ - Simple Actions that Create Success

Tyler's most requested keynote presentation.  Perfect for opening and injecting energy into your next event.  Event highlight for groups of 50 to 8000.  Explore ways to create a more balanced lifestyle personally and professionally through good tools like: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes (motivation), Feel a bit Off Kilter (resilience), and Leading Legacies (mentoring) and Rome Wasn't Built in a Day (team engagement).

Coffee Talk: Project Special Day

This father-and-daughter team holds double black belts in the “Art of the Special Day.” Breton (age 9) and Tyler (age 42) have put together three of their favourite games that will get you started on maxing-out your adventure and enrich and deepen your most special relationship between a parent and child.

Team Building Activities - Communication, Leadership, Planning, Problem Solving, & Team Building (Lesson Plans)

This is a collection of five eBooks from the Team Building Events and Activities for Managers T.E.A.M Series. It contains no less than two experiential learning sessions for each of the five topic areas. Each session is connected to best fit learning styles to help you choose the best activities for your team.

14 Minute Mentor: The Philosopher and the Professor Business Book Series

14-Minute Mentor is a much needed and simple answer to a problem plaguing too many businesses. How to retain and engage critical employees in this very competitive job market is the subject of many sleepless nights for business leaders. The Philosopher and Professor: 14-Minute Mentor, a collaboration between Industrial Psychologist Dr. Bill Howatt and Business Consultant Tyler Hayden presents a solution to this very problem.

Coming Soon: The Nature of Team Building 

New Book Coming Soon.  Well kinda soon... Goal is midway 2025.

Downloadable Team Building Tools Available - Kindle or Paperback and at Team Building School

As an industry thought leader in the gamification of team development and learning, Tyler has had the opportunity to build some amazingly impactful tools, from card games to apps for you and your teams.  Now, with a simple click of the button you can download and use them almost instantly with your team.

Team Building 20: A Team Building Card Game

What is this? 20 Questions - Team Building Edition is a great team builder that drives home a specific learning outcome (i.e. Leadership, Customer Service, etc.) It can be done both in a virtual community or with your tribe live and in person. You can even edit and add cards that with custom questions for your group. This event is great for exploring content specific knowledge about a topic area in a fun and informal way.

Customer Experience 20: A Team Building Card Game

What is this? 20 Questions - Customer Experience 20 Edition is a great team builder that drives home a specific learning outcome (i.e. Leadership, Customer Service, etc.) This is the more edition because our customers loved the first version so much they wanted new questions -- so here it is! It can be done both in a virtual community or with your tribe live and in person. You can even edit and add cards that with custom questions for your group. This event is great for exploring content specific knowledge about a topic area in a fun and informal way.

Leadership 20: A Team Building Card Game

What is this? 20 Questions - Leadership 20 Edition is a great team builder that drives home a specific learning outcome (i.e. Leadership, Customer Service, etc.) This is the more edition because our customers loved the first version so much they wanted new questions -- so here it is! It can be done both in a virtual community or with your tribe live and in person. You can even edit and add cards that with custom questions for your group. This event is great for exploring content specific knowledge about a topic area in a fun and informal way.

More Team Building 20: A Team Bulding Card Game

What is this? 20 Questions - More Team Building Edition is a great team builder that drives home a specific learning outcome (i.e. Leadership, Customer Service, etc.) This is the more edition because our customers loved the first version so much they wanted new questions -- so here it is! It can be done both in a virtual community or with your tribe live and in person. You can even edit and add cards that with custom questions for your group. This event is great for exploring content specific knowledge about a topic area in a fun and informal way.

Flash Back: A Team Building Game: Team Building Activities

Flash Back: A Team Building Game is an interactive and fun team building activity that helps teams to develop interpersonal relationships. This great team building activity is a fantastic ice breaker game that promotes communication and dialogue between team members. The activity is a series of open ended card questions that have learners share "flash backs" to years gone past. It's a great way to get to know the history of those you work and play with.

Which One? & Why?: A Team Building Game: A Team Building Activity

Which One? & Why? is a quick team building game. It consists of a series of cards that have two things to choose from (i.e. travel to the Alps or Cuba). Players will choose from the presented choices and give a quick explanation of why they chose what they chose. It is a great team building game to encourage conversation, think creatively and develop fun interpersonal relationships between your team.

If I Were in Charge of the World: A Team Building Game

This card game is a great team building activity that helps open your group to some creative ideas, laughs and great icebreaker fun. Team members will take turns finishing open ended statements about what they would do related to that topic if they were in charge of the world (i.e. If I were in charge of the world, I would abolish...) The statements range from policy setting to super fun.

Coffee Talk: A Nano Sized Team Building Game: A Team Building Activity

This intimate and interactive team-building game will have you and your team getting to know one another with the flip of a page. This is the premiere way to get your groups talking and a real hit at your next meeting, retreat or road trip! The book is bilingual in French and English.

Coffee Talk Two: Another Nano Sized Team Building Game

The resounding success of "Coffee Talk" was answered with "Coffee Talk 2!" The same intimate and interactive team-building game you have come to love with all new questions! Same stellar impact you expect and a great team building activity for your next retreat!

BizzBuzz: A Team Building Drawing & Charades Game

BizBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams from project management to sales. BizBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to business topics of today.

TechBuzz: A Team Building Charades and Drawing Game

TechBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams from project management to sales. TechBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to the tech industry today. 

EduBuzz: A Team Building Charades and Drawing Game

EduBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams of teachers who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat, development day or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams of teachers. EduBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to education topics of today.

Downloadable Team Building Templates, How to Videos & More

As an industry thought leader in the gamification of team development and learning, Tyler has had the opportunity to build some amazingly impactful tools, and now with a simple click of the button you can download and use them almost instantly with your team.

Commonalities: A Team Building Activity

Commonalities is a great game for events where you have multiple groups sitting in pods (aka at separate tables or  breakout rooms).  It helps to identify and create common bonds & connections between your team.  You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

(🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

If I Were in Charge of the World: A Team Building Activity

If I Were in Charge of the World is a great get to know you activity and ice breaker that is no sweat, fun and a bit out of the box. Teams will discover new things about people they have known "forever" and get a great introduction to people they're meeting for the very "first time". You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

4 Corners : A Team Building Activity

4 Corners is a great game for events where you want to have a mixer and ice breaker that gets people moving and meeting each other. Teams will discover new things about people they have known "forever" and get a great introduction to people they're meeting for the very "first time". You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

(🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

Scavenger Hunter: A Team Bulding Activity

Scavenger Hunter is a great game for events where you have multiple groups sitting in pods (aka at separate tables or  breakout rooms).  It is a fun way to get people working together, solving a problem & getting focused on a common goal.  You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

(🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

Coffee Talk: A Team Building Activity

Coffee Talk is a great way to get teams talking and sharing one-on-one or is small cohorts.  It is built so that you can easily update the information and program the questions to reflect your custom learning needs.  It helps to create opportunities for connection, laughter and team bonding.  You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

(🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

People Poker: A Team Building Game (Multiple Versions)

People Poker has multiple editions that help you connect your people together by winning for getting the very best poker hand - but the only way you can win is by strategically finding people who help make your cards have increased value... its a great way to connect people and find unique things out about them, gamifiy and strategize the efforts of the individual player and have a ton of fun as a team. You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

Smarty Party: A Team Building Game

Smarty Party is a question and answer tool that takes your team through multiple rounds and allows you to add points for correct answers (and subtract too for incorrect ones).  The slide deck is fully customizable so you can add in your questions as they relate to multiple topic areas.  It is s fun tool that you can easily update your information into - and the fresh and vibrant colours make the for a lively splash at your next event!  There are two different "sizes" of slide decks so you can plan a longer or shorter version based on the time you have to invest.

TP Confessions: A Team Building Game

TP Confessions originated with a real life roll of toilet paper. It was a go to for so many years in trainers tool kits for organizing debriefs and a great get-to-know-you activity. Now you can have an electronic version that you can use in remote, hybrid and in person events. Learners choose a square on the play board and they get delivered their "number" of TP squares. For each square they get to perform a task (i.e. tell us one thing we don't know about you for every "square" you received, or one idea for rebranding for each square, etc.) It's a fun and simple way to generate great dialogue.

Tic Tac Toe: A  Learning Tool

Tic Tac Toe was a game that you likely played on long car rides ... in addition to that you can apply it to help gamify your next training or team event. This event was built so that you can easily add a fun tool to your remote or hybrid events. The tool allows you to incentivize teams for making correct answers, sharing ideas, etc - the sky is the limit. This tool takes very little explanation on how to play - because it's a classic.

So You Want to be a Hundredaire: A Team Building Activity

Hundredaire is a great customizable tool that allows you to update the slide deck to represent information that is important to your team. You can then gamify the data by facilitating a game show like experience for your team. We show you how to customize the slide deck and give you the tools that you need to score the points and share the questions. Included is a short and long version so you can use it at a quick scrum or longer team event. This tool also has strategy, collaboration and risk as a core component to the game play

All In: A Team Building Activity

All in is a great customizable tool that allows you to update the slide deck to represent survey data that is important to you. You can then gamify the data by facilitating a game show like experience for your team. We show you how to customize the slide deck and give you the tools that you need to score the points and share the questions. Included is a short and long version so you can use it at a quick scrum or longer team event.

House of Cards: A Team Building Activity

House of Cards is a great tool for quizzing your team. It blends a game show feel with the acquisition of points for knowledge. It can be used to add a bit of gamification to your course or training evaluations and outcomes. Or you can custom design it to deliver a great game that quizzes your team on trivia about the team (aka "The Game of Us")

Magic Two Ball: A Team Building Activity

Magic 2 Ball is a great game for events that fit nicely for teams from remote to in person - it's a fabulous tool that allows the team builder the opportunity to create a randomized and unique experience in breaking the ice 🏒 and connecting on a deeper level with your team. It helps to identify and create common bonds & connections between your team & its a metric ton of fun

Two Thumbs Up: A Team Building Activity

Two Thumbs Up is a great game for teams who are looking to get to know each other and desensitize communicating differing opinions. It helps to identify and create common bonds & connections between your team when played for fun, all the while normalizing/developing opportunity for debriefing differing opinions. You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

20 Questions Series of Team Building Activities

20 Questions Series of Games are a great tool for events and retreats where you have multiple groups sitting in pods (aka at separate tables or  breakout rooms) or a group of 10 to 12.  The random questions help to keep the responses interesting and often create tangents as teams share similar experience stories. It helps to identify and create common bonds & connections as well as expands your teams knowledge of one another.  You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

(🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

Flash Back: A Team Building Activity

Flash Back is a great game for teams who are existing and want to delve a bit deeper into their team relationship by learning more about the history of their team mates. This informal inquiry based activity helps learners share thoughts and stories by prompting them with topical question cards. It helps to identify and create team bonding & reduces barriers between your team as they continue to bond. You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

Buzz Games: A Team Building Activity

Buzz Games are a collection of drawing or charades questions that you can easily apply to your next team event. It is a no sweat way of having a bit of physical fun while working together to solve a puzzle. It offers opportunity to hone your non-verbal communication and ideation skills. Also, this tool is easily customized to gamify your specific team learning outcomes. You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

I Like You Because ... : A Team Building Activity

I Like You Because ... is a fantastic team bonding activity that helps develop deeper connections through appreciation within a seasoned team. It can be done in person, remotely or hybrid. It helps to facilitate team members creating deeper bonds & connections all the while motivating and appreciating the individual (now and even later when they might need a boost). You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden. (🇫🇷Version Française Incluse)

Which One and Why: A Team Building Activity

Which one and Why? is a great activity for events where you have teams that know each other a bit - but would like to deepen their connections. Its an event that uncovers attitudes, values, and opinions. It can help to identify and create common bonds & connections between your team (and even expose blindspots). You can lead it yourself or use the included explainer video featuring Tyler Hayden.

Coming Soon: Another Team Building Activity

Coming Soon.

Coming Soon: Another Team Building Activity

Coming Soon.

Boxed Game Kits

As an industry thought leader in the gamification of team development and learning, Tyler has had the opportunity to build some amazingly impactful tools, from card games to apps for you and your teams.

BizzBuzz: A Team Building Drawing & Charades Game

BizBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams from project management to sales. BizBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to business topics of today.


TechBuzz: A Team Building Charades and Drawing Game

TechBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams from project management to sales. TechBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to the tech industry today. 


EduBuzz: A Team Building Charades and Drawing Game

EduBuzz: A Team Building Drawing and Charades Game is a great tool for teams of teachers who are looking to add some fun to their upcoming retreat, development day or meeting. This team building ice breaker is a great get to know you game for teams of teachers. EduBuzz takes the classic game of Charades and adds a deck of cards that relate to education topics of today.


Team Building School is an online school & library of everything a project manager or HR leader needs to build better teams.





Learn how to build better teams with Team Building School on YouTube