Yellow vintage-style microphone on the left with the words 'Tyler Hayden' in bold white font to the right. A yellow cord wraps slightly around the text, reminiscent of a dynamic team building experience. Black background with subtle white speckles.

Workplace Culture & Team Building Expert

High-Energy Motivational Keynote Speaker

Author of Over 25 Team Building & Motivational Books


A smiling man, dressed in a black shirt, gray vest, and jeans, rides a small tricycle. As a motivational speaker during a team building event, he has a cheerful expression and appears to be having fun.

Tyler Hayden, CSP - 
Top Motivational Speaker & Team Building Expert in Canada

It's' been said that Tyler is, "Canada's Answer to Alternative Energy," and if you've ever seen him on stage I'm sure you will agree.  His electric energy and fast paced participatory action engages audiences from his first "hello."  Couple that with his amazing storytelling abilities and innovative gamification of learning you'll either be on the edge of your seat in anticipation or in the aisles laughing from his clean corporate humour.

Tyler's vision is to deliver super-sized out-of-the-box fun, covered in learning awesomesauce.

Thank you SO much for delivering an amazing, high octane opening keynote at ProjectWorld* BusinessAnalystWorld Toronto! Your energy and enthusiasm kicked the event off on the perfect note and carried through for the rest of the day. I’ve received so much positive feedback from the attendees for both of your sessions. The workshop attendees couldn’t say enough, specifically,  "I didn’t know learning could learning be this much fun!"

Amy Ruddell - VP, Macgregor Communications

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How Tyler Partners as a Motivational Speaker to Unlock the Potential of Your Conference or Team Building Event

Tyler's been called "Canada's Answer to Alternative Energy" because of his full tilt approach to speaking & team building.  He delivers fast paced humour & unique engagement activities, that keep learners on the edge of their seats.

Tyler is a thought leader with over 25 published books. These include university text books, workplace culture playbooks, & team building activity books.  His depth of expertise leads to amazing actionable insights for your learners.

A global adventurer and adrenaline seeker Tyler masterfully tells high adventure stories that inspire & captivate learners. His humorous & well crafted storytelling becomes the fabric by which learners anchor their learning of new concepts.

Continue the learning beyond the event with Team Building School.  Here you and your learners gain access to Tyler's library and toolkit of workplace culture & team building courses or activities so the energy of the day lives on. 

Creating customized  learning experiences is what Tyler loves to do.  From custom learning objectives, learner accessibility, content rich fun slides, brand alignment, corporate vision & more - it's an experience that is as deep as it is fun.

You'll discover tools and techniques that are easy to understand and apply. These real life tools can open the door for lasting change & growth.  Tyler will help build unique learning hooks that connect your custom event outcomes to actionable results. 

Here's How we can work Together!

A motivational speaker in a white shirt and black pants is sitting on a chair on stage with his arms raised and legs extended outward. He is holding a small object in one hand. Blue curtains are in the background, and the audience is visible in the foreground, captivated by his team-building insights.

Motivational Keynote Speaker

High-energy speaking presentations engage audiences through active participation, impactful storytelling, and actionable solutions. Learn about and build teams, energize your event, connect in meaningful ways, plus have so much FUN! Let's connect!

A man with an excited expression poses for a selfie next to a bullseye target with an axe lodged in the center. The background is a wooden surface with concentric black circles indicating the bullseye. He appears to be at a team building event in an axe throwing venue.

Motivational Team Building Speaker Events

With three decades of delivering Team Building activities, Tyler effortlessly builds engaging icebreaker & team building events for high value meetings and large scale events.  Team Building is a key component to retention & engagement, find out how Tyler can help.

A motivational speaker, wearing a black shirt with a gray vest and a red polka-dot tie, speaks animatedly with hands gesturing. He has light brown hair and is looking slightly off-camera.

Motivational Learning Design Expert

Outta-the-suit and definitely Out-of-the-box! Tyler delivers on your expectations with solid, actionable, and easy-to-use learning solutions to your real-time problems such as remote learning design, management  development, custom programs & much more.

Read Some of Tyler's 25+ Team Building & Workplace Culture Books

A yellow book titled 'The Business That Cared About People' by Tyler Hayden, CSP—a renowned motivational speaker—features a red heart-shaped balloon on the cover. Accompanying the book is a smartphone displaying the same cover along with the author's photo. Both have a motivational theme centered around team building.

The Business that Cared about People

Tyler Hayden's best selling motivational book on team building. This book is perfect for managers who are looking to improve engagement and workplace culture.  It includes Tyler's unique approach to team building design "multiple intelligence quotient" plus over 100 different team building activity ideas and tools. 

Image of a book and a smartphone displaying the book's cover. The book title is 'Virtually Engaged: Team Building Activities,' written by motivational speaker Tyler Hayden. There's a photo of the author, a man in a blue shirt, on the cover. The backdrop is blue with light circuit patterns.

Virtually Engaged Team Building Activities

Tyler Hayden wrote this book to help managers to provide high quality virtual team building meetings and events.  This book includes how to's & activities that will get a manager ready to start running engaging and effective virtual meetings.  It includes both theory of virtual engagement & activities perfect for the hybrid and remote workplace.

Book cover and smartphone displaying 'Livin' Life Large' by motivational speaker Tyler Hayden. The cover features a goldfish jumping out of a fishbowl, with the subtitle 'Simple Actions That Create Success' and a photo of the author riding a tiny tricycle—a team-building classic at the bottom.

Livin' Life Large: Simple Actions Create Success

Tyler Hayden's premiere motivational keynote is based on many of the learnings from this book, "Livin' Life Large."  This best selling book contains leadership lessons that any workplace manager can use to help create a more balanced and engaged work life. This book is a short and sweet read that contains countless nuggets of wisdom.

A logo for 'Team Building School' featuring a blue and yellow shield with a blue 'T' in the center. The text 'TEAM BUILDING SCHOOL' appears in bold uppercase letters to the right of the shield, with smaller text 'Building Teamwork' underneath, inspired by key principles from top motivational speakers.

Team Building School is an online school & library of everything a project manager or HR leader needs to build better teams.





Learn how to build better teams with Team Building School on YouTube

A man with short curly hair smiles at the camera, seated casually with hands clasped. Next to him is text that reads 'Livin' Life Large: Bestselling Author & Motivational Speaker' and 'Tyler Hayden,' who specializes in team building, alongside a yellow microphone graphic. The background is white with yellow accents.

Follow for Team Building, Learning Engagement and FUN!

"Top Ten Things a Manager Can Do to Build Team Engagement"

Looking for some great ways to up level your motivate and engage your team.  Check out this excerpt from motivational speaker Tyler Hayden's book "The Business that Cared about People."  Here are the Top Ten Things a Manager can do to Build a Team. 

A stack of cardboard boxes sealed with green tape, emblazoned with 'HOT' stickers and handwritten words, evokes a sense of teamwork. The text 'On Boarding' is overlaid in large white letters across the middle, suggesting an energetic start led by a motivational speaker.

1. Take time early on to welcome your team on-board.

Understand that every time a new person joins the team, the team dynamics will change. Take a few moments to welcome and introduce everyone (whether it’s your first time together or just one person is joining for the first time). Create a clear start or launch; team relationships are key to sustainable team building.

A person in red protective gear with raised arms, smiling broadly while skydiving over a body of water. The words 'Clear Purpose' are prominently displayed in white text across the image. Another hand can be seen in the background also showing excitement, embodying the spirit of a motivational speaker and team building adventure.

2. Establish a clear purpose.

A team needs to have a clear and undeniable purpose. That purpose is like an umbrella under which all activity happens. As the leader, you need to protect the team from “other things” that will attempt to find space under your umbrella. A team with a clear purpose will be more efficient and effective in real- izing results.

A group of people sitting around a table engaged in a team-building activity involving string. They are smiling and appear to be collaborating. The words 'Develop Trust' are overlaid in bold letters in the center of the image, emphasizing the essence of team building.

3. Develop trust and cooperation among your team members.

Trust is the cornerstone to an effective team. Trust is built pro- gressively, so build in opportunities early on for team members to achieve outcomes. Achieving these quick goals will dem- onstrate individuals’ strengths through contribution and cre- ate trust through productive, progressive successes (as well as identify gaps). These small achievements will also initiate mo- mentum and energy within the team toward its purpose.

A group of people are in a dimly lit room engaged in conversation and activities around tables, fostering team building. The word 'Relationship' is prominently overlaid in large white text across the photo.

4. Develop interpersonal relationship understanding.

Team building is often achieved through “stickiness” of people. This adhesion to one another comes in lots of ways. One is ad- versity (gulp, we don’t want that) and another is through the strategic development of interpersonal relationships. This can be accomplished by engaging in team-building activities for fun, structured learning, and even through project-based work. Check out our store for some great team-building activities that can help you achieve this outcome.

A group of people gathers outdoors under bare autumn trees for a team building event. Some members are crouching or leaning forward in a line. Large white text in the center reads 'Group Norms.' The background shows a mix of trees and an asphalt road, reminiscent of a motivational speaker's dynamic session.

5. Establish group norms and expectations early on.

Always take time early on in the formation of your team to spend some time agreeing to ways in which the team will func- tion. Essentially you are building a team service-level agree- ment around things like: how we communicate, time frames, how consensus is built, and what are the “ground rules” of be- ing on this team. In addition, team designers can spend time investigating and agreeing to behavioural expectations like: trust, listening, safety, etc. A great tool for that is the Full Value Contract (a tool that helps build your Project Charter).

A group of people stands in a room, engaged in conversation. The focus is on a motivational speaker gesturing with their hands while others listen intently. The text 'Safe to Share' is prominently displayed in the center of the image, emphasizing an atmosphere conducive to team building.

6. Develop a safe place to share ideas and information.

Communication is the lifeblood to your team. The desire to share ideas, knowledge, experience, etc., is often the tipping point between a successful team/project and a flop. As the man- ager or team designer it is your job to ensure that everyone feels comfortable with sharing and that the other team members re- spond appropriately.

A motivational speaker stands on stage addressing a large audience seated in a dimly lit room with chandeliers. The words 'Authentic Engagement' are prominently displayed in bold white text overlaying the image, setting the tone for an impactful team building session.

7. Authentic engagement starts with you.

It seems that humanity will always rise to the lowest common denominator. When building a team, you need to set the stage and pace for acceptable outcomes within your team. Setting that bar in a challenging but achievable spot in the beginning is vital. Then, as you progress and gain momentum, challenge your team to inch the bar higher and higher. Engagement is not a destination but rather a collective investment of pushing/ pulling for more.

A crowded conference room with people engaged in various conversations and activities around tables. The text 'Outa the Way' is overlaid prominently in the center of the image, possibly signaling an energetic motivational speaker. A presentation screen is visible in the background.

8. Get out of the way (after a bit).

Team building happens not exclusively by implementing great activities together. It happens organically when you frame op- portunities for the team to realize results, sometimes through 11 stress and adversity. One of the ways that you can help to fa- cilitate this is to lead as more of a consultant while your team is “problem-solving.” If the team always has you resolving the issues, they will not develop “stickiness” or grow transferrable skills for future issues.

A brick-walled room with large windows and a TV screen on a stand. The TV displays an image of a man smiling with text that reads 'LIVIN LIFE LARGE Coffee Talk Experience.' Overlaid text across the image reads 'Keep Track.' Ideal for team building events or sessions with motivational speakers.

9. Keep track of the undercurrent that can rip you into very deep water.

Your team members are people. People have feelings. Not everyone is great at sharing their feelings. Some people’s feelings will get the better of them and begin to cause issues for you if they get upset. Keep track of how people are feeling; get to know your team and their individual feelings. Being proactive in managing these feelings will pay long-term dividends.

A group of adults wearing construction helmets and colorful standing noodles poses on a stage, with the word 'Time' in bold white letters displayed prominently in front of them, showcasing a unique team-building activity led by a motivational speaker.

10. Time is a key measure for teams.

There are lots of great measures to gauge if your team is suc- cessful (i.e., dollars sold, memberships achieved, etc.). But as a team designer time is your biggest consideration for team building. Understand when it is time to inspire your team, time to reign in your team, time to adjourn the team, etc. Ineffective teams have had their time disrespected at some point within their development—right timing what you do as a leader will be the single biggest influence in your team-building success.

A promotional graphic features 'JOIN NOW' in a red banner with an arrow pointing to the text 'TEAM BUILDING SCHOOL QUICK START EXPIRING MINI SERIES.' Accompanied by an illustration of a rocket and clouds with a 'FREE' sticker, 'LIMITED OFFER' in yellow and red, perfect for any team building event.

Want to Learn More...

Take a free Course at Team Building School and access game changing knowledge and an overflowing tool kit of road ready and tested motivational team building tools that work.

A yellow book titled 'The Business That Cared About People' by Tyler Hayden, CSP—a renowned motivational speaker—features a red heart-shaped balloon on the cover. Accompanying the book is a smartphone displaying the same cover along with the author's photo. Both have a motivational theme centered around team building.

Download Your Free Copy of My Motivational Speaker Team Building Book

The Business that Cared about People: A Motivational Speaker's Guide to Team Building and Engagement Using Multiple Intelligences

Text image showing the name 'Tyler Hayden' in blue capital letters, with a yellow microphone integrated between the words as the letter 'L.' The microphone has a cord trailing beneath the text. The background is black with a white speckled texture, evoking the dynamic energy of a motivational speaker and team-building expert.

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Canadian Motivational Speaker & Team Building Expert